Ayñobi? — A Rainforest Plant Medicine & Cosmology Immersion

Aug 29 2020
4:00 am - 7:00 pm

We will have one extended “Word Circle Transmission” in which David Ali will guides us through an abbreviated experience of all that is detailed below . You can register for this sliding scale knowledge share here.

Ayñoby?—Are you Present? This is the greet in Matsigenka. The Matsigenka are an ancient people of the headwaters of the Amazon. When they greet they are affirming if we are :

Here & Present.

In representation of Melchor Ramos (see him share a bit in this video), Medicine Man, Matsigenka Elder and President of Association Pariana, David Ali, invites you to join this virtual immersion to explore what it means to Be Present through Rainforest Plant Knowledge Share, Word-Circles, Matsigenka & Harakbut Cosmology Exploration, Plant Dieta, and more…

Registration Deadline August 14, 2020

Session meeting at 4pm EST Via Zoom on Saturdays:

  • August 15

  • August 22

  • August 29

This immersion is a Reforestation initiative of Association Pariana. Covid-19 has created extremely difficult circumstances for the communities of Manu, Madre De Dios, Peru. Simultaneously the time is ripe for Reforestation and in order to do this, solid systems and infrastructure that ensure the communities needs are met is vital. With proceeds from this immersion Association Pariana will

  • Build a Green House

  • Establish a Tree Nursery

  • Have financial resources for food & basic needs for all people on the ground making this happen.

  • Plant  4+ acres of Staple foods for immediate communities and beyond

  • Provide a grant to Matriarch Margot for her families traditional ancestral artistry.

What to Expect

  • 3 Live Virtual (Via Zoom) Picchus (Word-Reasoning- Transmission Circles) 3+ Hour Long

    Rainforest Plant Medicine Knowledge Share

    A glimpse through the Matsigenka & Harakbut Cosmology ( Directions, Dimensions, Interspecies Relationships)

    Plant Medicine Package in the form of elixirs/tinctures

    Guided Plant Dieta with:

    • Copaiba

    • Huito

    • Chuchuwasa

    • Matico

    • Sangre de Grado

    • And other gifts

    This is a truly unique virtual immersion from heart of the rainforest. We gather to transmit the essence of the living wisdom from Pariana to uplift our global communities to VIVIR MEJOR as Melcho says – Live Better. In order to Live Better we must activate into the present moment and affirm that We Are Here & Present Together.

Association Pariana caretakes 77 hectares of Rainforest Jungle bordering the Manu National Rainforest which is protected by Unesco. The majority of families in this area make a living from eco-tourism, which is indefinitely halted and unfortunately, illegal deforestation and other exploitative entities prey upon necessity and force many folks into labor that destroys their own eco-systems. Through this and other initiatives we hope to counteract these forces.


The cost of the immersion is $333.00

The Plant Medicine Package is included (Can only ship within the US)

Space is limited as each live session will invite communal participation.

All scholarships are FULL


David Ali serves as the treasurer of Association Pariana and as a bridge between Turtle Island & Pariana. He is a Roots Herbalist, Biologist, Alchemist, and Bodyworker. This immersion is an extension of the transmission of Pariana & the medicine of the Rainforest for the collective uplifting. He is also the co-founder of AYA ORA cannabis company.